What is FEAR???

What is FEAR??? After all of my experiences, questioning, research, etc..... I've come to the conclusion that FEAR is nothing more than a feeling.  Something that can be overcome by confidence in the one true living God, Jesus Christ to lead and guide us and being confident enough in ourselves to realize that we were born equipped with the most powerful tool known to man, our minds!!!! FEAR is a tactic used by Satan himself to hinder us from achieving our goals and accomplishing feats most will only dream of. Satan understands that God has promised to give power to him that believes and has faith in God. Now I don't claim by any means to live a devoted Christian life, but I've been to church enough to understand that God does not condone FEAR.  He clearly states in scripture that along with liars, adulterers, and so on that the FEARFUL will also have their place in hell.  We may not realize it but God wants the best for us. In most cases, He wants better for us than we want for ourselves.  He gives us instruction on what needs to be done in order to accomplish these things.  Many times we a FEARFUL because the things He instructs us to do may seem unorthodox or outside of the box, but these are character traits common to innovators and entrepreneurs. Ultimately when we allow these concerns to hinder us from stepping out on faith, trusting in God, and overcoming our FEAR, we not only miss out on the blessings that God has in store for us, but we are also being disobedient to Him. In my opinion, this is why the scripture states that the FEARFUL will also have their place in hell.  So from this day forward I vow to put my trust in God to direct my path, have confidence in myself to know that I am fully equipped with the tools necessary to succeed, and overcome any FEAR that attempts to stand in my way to success.

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