Part 2 of 3: "Why Are You Still Crying?: It's Not Even About You

After coming to the understanding that we can't allow disappointments to bring our journey to a halt in Part 1: There's Work To Be Done, I realized that gaining an understanding of why something happens is just as important. When children experience a divorce between their parents, they sometimes tend to blame themselves for the failure of the marriage. Or, when a self-inflicted tragedy strikes those closest to us, we seem to blame ourselves for not doing more to help. It's natural for these types of experiences to have an "effect" on us, but we can't choose to let it "affect" us. Simply put, we should be empathetic because we care, but we can't allow it hinder us as well. I've noticed that in the times we allow it to "affect" us, it's out of guilt. We carry the burden of our conscience deceiving us into thinking that it is our fault. Although I'm sure there were times that we may not have made the situation any easier, we were also not the cause. In 1 Samuel the Nation of Israel demanded to have a king appointed to them because of the wicked actions of Samuel's sons who were in line to take his place as Judge. Samuel was displeased and troubled over their request. In my opinion, Samuel probably reasoned with himself that it was his fault for not reprimanding his son's for their actions. But, if you were ever a kid then you know that sometimes we act against better judgement and instruction. The faith of the people only showed them the present rather than allowing them to trust in God's judgement in appointing righteous men to guide them. (God later displays his righteous judgement in David's appointment as king instead Jonathan, Saul's son, as a result of Saul's disobedience). Samuel later realizes that the people's request for a king was not his burden to bear because it was not him whom they were rejecting, but God, "And the LORD told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king," (1 Samuel 8:7 NIV). We have to be able to understand that every situation that has an "effect" on us is not our own. Some are meant to "affect" others around us. Life has enough twists and turns for each of us to have our fair share without taking on those of others. So, take a good look at the situations in your past and you'll see that "It's Not Even About You."

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