Is it worth it to ME?

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How can we begin moving in any direction if we do not first establish where we are going? We are given the right to choose our own path in life but not the conditions of it. We see just far enough ahead to ask ourselves, "IS IT WORTH IT ME?" And, "Is my goal important enough to endure the circumstances it requires?" I am continuously realizing that it takes hating to fail more than wanting to succeed in order to stay focused and determined to reach my destination. There are times that those around me may doubt whether or not I will be able to accomplish everything I set out to, but I do not let that deter me. I can not expect for everyone to see my vision the way that I do because it is MY vision. God gave me a specific purpose just as He did everyone else. At times, doubters even come in the form of friends and family. This is probably why the Lord commanded Abraham to "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, to the land which I will show you" (Gen 12:1). Unfortunately, Abraham brought his nephew, Lot, with him, who only caused problems along the journey. We sometimes face negativity, discouragement, and even sabotage from those we are closest to. But, if we truly believe in our purpose it will not interfere with the journey still become the "Father of many nations" just as Abraham. I am determined to be successful and am driven by my fear of failure. I choose not to live my life wondering "What if?" It is not worth my conscience condemning me for not giving total effort and failing as a result. This has been most evident in my relationship. Even when things get rough and we do not see eye to eye, I know what I am working towards and find ways to resolve the issues. I know that giving up on it is not worth wondering "What if?" There will also be those, outside looking in, offering their opinions about what they feel is best. For them, it may very well be. God gave us all our own lives to live and choices to make, so I do what is best for me. My dad always tells me not to make choices that I will regret because of what he wants for me, but instead, make my own decisions because I am the only one who can truly answer the question, "IS IT WORTH IT TO ME?"

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