In most adverse situations we face in life, we tend to blame others rather than realizing that WE are our OWN biggest enemy. We are our OWN biggest hinderance. It seems as if we do not realize that we have the ability to overcome any situation we face, even if the "situation" is ourself. One of the biggest roadblocks that we encounter is our failure to plan. Too many times we tend to just "play it by ear" or "see what happens" rather than putting forth the effort to develop a strategy. King Solomon states in Proverbs 28:19, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." As I stated in a previous post, TRAVELING THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED, 'Creating a vision of the end result allows us to mark our progress along the way.' We also tend to allow our fear of failure to keep us from stepping out on faith and beginning our journey to success. This can only be overcome by changing our mindset about failure. Thomas Edison was quoted as saying, "I haven't failed. I've found 10,000 ways that don't work." We should see failure as a learning tool that carries us one step closer to success. What if Thomas Edison had given up on inventing the light bulb on the 9,999th try? We would still be finding our way through the dark by candlelight. Fear of the "unknown" is another contributor to our lack of progress. In a world filled with uncertainty, it is ludicrous to expect to have all of our questions answered before we ever begin. It is also this fear of the "unknown" that causes us to take on the fear of others. We tend to become fearful of the things those whom we seek guidance from are fearful of. Many of our fears are not truly our own. They are those of our parents, mentors, friends, and loved ones. What may not be right for one person, may be perfect for another. We get stuck in traditions and stereotypes that cause us to fail in evolving to truly fulfill our full potential. It prevents us from stepping outside of the box and experiencing new things. It is often the things that we shun that we learn the most from. Choosing to not always be orthodox gives us the chance to grow and become well rounded. Even when we are able to overcome these fears, we still face the task of putting the plan into action. Many times we put things off to a later date that ultimately never comes. Procrastination hinders our progress more than anything else because it is totally internal. It is the one thing that we truly control. There are no external factors involved with taking action right now! All that is required is for us to GET OUT OF OUR OWN WAY.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post as well as those previously posted. Please subscribe to RANDOM THOUGHTS to stay informed of new posts and feel free to leave feedback and comments about each one. Thank you again


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